ePANACEA The use of (cost-optimal) renovation business plans within EPC schemes

ePANACEA The use of (cost-optimal) renovation business plans within EPC schemes
Financial constraints are the main reason why people do not renovate their buildings or choose less efficient solutions, hampering the long-term transition of EU’s building stock. The inclusion of a financial evaluation of energy efficiency measures into energy performance assessment methods and EPC schemes, based on the cost-optimal methodology, is necessary to inform building owners about their renovation decisions and to plan the staged deep renovations.
ePANACEA intends to integrate the cost-optimal methodology into energy performance assessment and certification schemes, as a tool to evaluate the economic feasibility of integrated packages of business as usual (BAU) technologies and smart novel technical solutions for energy efficiency.
The project showcases the implementation of this methodology in two case studies and explores its integration with the Building Renovation Passports (BRP).
The report is available for download on the ePANACEA website.
English (3.22 MB - PDF)