Fact sheet on achieving a climate neutral building stock

Fact sheet on achieving a climate neutral building stock
The Passive House Institute has released a fact sheet on how to quickly achieve a climate-neutral building stock within the framework of outPHit.
The document is based on the results of a study on how best to achieve 2050 climate goals within Germany's building sector. "While updated German government plans formed the basis for the research behind this fact sheet, the points in it are universally applicable," expains Passive House Institute's Jan Steiger, coordinator of the outPHIt project.
The document summarises the take home messages of a webinar held last month on climate neutrality in buildings.
It provides insights on how to drastically reduce emissions in the building sector while acknowledging the limits placed on these efforts by reality, giving pracitioners convincing arguments for the use of highly efficient building components and Passive House principles for new builds and retrofits alike.
English (603.86 KB - PDF)