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iBRoad2EPC in depth

iBRoad2EPC Technical report on the definition of the proposed concept, content and methodology
Pan European

iBRoad2EPC in depth

19 July 2024
Technical report on the definition of the proposed concept, content and methodology.
Marianna Papaglastra

iBRoad2EPC aims to integrate Building Renovation Passport (BRP) elements into existing EPC schemes in order to:

  • Improve renovation recommendations in alignment with national building climate targets and considering future requirements and obligations 

  • Outline an individual building long-term renovation strategy considering step-by-step renovations while avoiding lock-ins 

  • Improve quality through the obligatory nature of an on-site visit by a trained expert

  • Extend EPC features through additional indicators (e.g., IEQ, SRI) 

Based on the conceptualisation report which derived the key principles and features of iBRoad2EPC from market analyses conducted in six countries (Bulgaria, Greece, Poland, Portugal, Romania and Spain), the current report presents the concrete concept and methodology for the technical implementation of iBRoad2EPC’s basic and additional modules, the iBRoad2EPC Assistant, the iBRoad2EPC output pages, the graphical design, as well as ways in which iBRoad2EPC is designed to fit into the existing national “ecosystem” of building and energy related instruments such as EPC software, building databases, funding, etc.

ifeu – Institute for Energy and Environmental Research
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