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The interplay between aesthetics and energy performance in BIPV modules

Real scale mock up using BIPV modules

The interplay between aesthetics and energy performance in BIPV modules

22 October 2024
A new study explores the balance between aesthetics and energy efficiency in coloured BIPV modules, finding that darker colours yield higher performance but face increased temperatures, reducing energy output in real-world conditions.
Editorial Team

The European Parliament aims for climate neutrality by 2050, targeting significant emissions reductions by 2030, especially in buildings, which account for over 36% of emissions. 

The INFINITE project investigates the balance between aesthetics and energy efficiency in coloured Building Integrated Photovoltaic (BIPV) modules. A real-scale mock-up at Eurac Research tests five colours and finishes as the outer layer of a prefabricated rain screen façade

Findings reveal that darker colours perform efficiently under standard conditions but face increased operating temperatures, diminishing energy yield in real-world settings. 

These insights are essential for advancing coloured BIPV research, improving product design, and fostering informed decision-making among architects, designers and policymakers to enhance the integration of aesthetics and energy performance in sustainable building practices.



English (11.28 MB - PDF)
Martina Pelle, Martino Gubert, Enrico Dalla Maria, Alexander Astigarraga, Stefano Avesani, Laura Maturi
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