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New European Bauhaus: a Handbook by NEBULA project

New European Bauhaus a Handbook by NEBULA project
European Countries

New European Bauhaus: a Handbook by NEBULA project

22 September 2023
NEBULA has published its handbook on the New European Bauhaus, addressed to any person or entity willing to understand the concepts underlying the NEB initiative.
Larissa Carreira De Rosso

The "New European Bauhaus: a handbook" gives insights into the origin and what the initiative is about, how to access the community and resources, and most importantly, how to make a project “NEB by design” and where to get funding to support your NEB project. 

The report is illustrated with plenty of NEB project examples, organised along the three NEB core values: “Beautiful”, “Sustainable”, and “Inclusive”. This facilitates the report’s understanding and will, hopefully, help spark many creative ideas all around Europe.

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NEBULA project