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New series of factsheets presents the developments of the innovative smart services tested by InEExS

European Countries

New series of factsheets presents the developments of the innovative smart services tested by InEExS

07 February 2024
InEExS Business Cases (BCs) new factsheets aim to present the different services, models and contracts that InEExS plans to deploy and validate in different EU states.
Roberta D'Angiolella

The LIFE project InEExS started Business Cases (BCs) that are improving on existing, viable business models by enhancing their integration with other services and sectors and build on pre-existing communities of participants, while aiming at extending these services to a large share of their market segment.

The new factsheets aim to present the different services, models and contracts that InEExS plans to deploy and validate in different EU states. Each factsheet gives a general description of the business case, lists target groups and benefits, describes the role of distributed ledger technologies and measurement reporting verification and give the contact point to get involved in the case.

The innovative cases and their factsheets are listed below:

  • Energy Performance Contracting (EPCs) with Pay4Performance guarantees (Berlin, Germany): The core concept is the deployment of integrated energy services from different sustainable sectors, such as PV panels. The main goal is to include contracts with payments based on performance and Measurement Reporting Verification (MRV) performance indicators determined with help of the smart metering system.

  • Optimised self-consumption of Distributed Energy Resources (DER) in Energy Cooperatives (Crevillent, Spain): The primary objective is to enhance the PV self-consumption within energy community users by implementing incentivisation mechanisms through messages and the utilization of tokens via Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) and smart contracts. The BC2 focuses on identifying and implementing the most effective strategies to maximise the benefits and minimise the costs associated with self-consumption for prosumers within energy communities and the broader energy system. Additionally, the BC supports energy efficiency by using an App that provides tips on both optimised selfconsumption of DER and how to reduce the energy demand.

  • Energy efficiency and flexibility services for legacy natural gas boilers (5 main Greek cities (Athens, Thessaloniki, Larisa, Trikala, Volos)): The use case describes how users of legacy natural gas boilers can upgrade their heating systems through a cost-effective IoT controller, while enabling their participation in energy efficiency services to the natural gas supplier. The core innovation of the proposed concept builds on the interconnection of major consuming legacy heating devices with the gas network, through the seamless integration of the domx heating controller, towards upgrading existing and long life-cycle building equipment to higher levels of smartness.

  • Smart energy management for EV chargers and electricity-based HVAC appliances (location tbc): Hiven is a smart home energy management system for connecting and steering smart home appliances over the cloud (API) for the benefit of the consumer, energy company and the grid. Home heating is shifted to consume energy at the cheapest possible time to save users up to 50% on their cost of energy. Aggregated flexibility is provided to energy companies and grid companies as a service where consumption deviates from the expected profile.

  • Decentralized Energy Efficiency Power Plant (DEEPP) (conceptual): The Decentralised Energy Efficiency Power Plant (DEEPP) is a conceptual innovative business model, suggested as an industrial scale solution, relying on Energy Savings Agreements (ESA), modeled on the principle of power purchase agreements (PPA) as the foundation for project financing. DEEPP integrates technologies for energy demand reduction and flexibility, coupling their operation with financial innovation. The aim is to steer energy consumption in commercial and residential buildings and facilitate renovation activity.
