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The potential of space heating in buildings to reach EU's climate goals

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The potential of space heating in buildings to reach EU's climate goals

03 January 2024
Decarbonising space heating in buildings is crucial for reaching greenhouse gas neutrality in the EU by 2050. Electrification is key.
Editorial Team

The space heating sector holds critical importance in achieving the EU's climate goals, as heating and cooling contribute to 50% of the EU's final energy consumption. With 75% of heat demand met by fossil fuels and 60% consumed in buildings, decarbonising space heating is pivotal for EU's 2050 greenhouse gas neutrality target.

Electrification, particularly through direct methods like heat pumps or indirect approaches using synthetic energy carriers (hydrogen, e-fuels), is considered a solution. A comprehensive study evaluates various electrification levels, identifying the most cost-effective scenario, and discusses current barriers. Using an eight-model framework, the analysis spans EU-27 member states, covering technical and economic aspects up to 2050.

Original source


potentials and levels for the electrification of space-MJ0423902ENN.pdf

English (6.26 MB - PDF)
Tom Dröscher, Alexander Ladermann, Christoph Maurer, Bernd Tersteegen, Sebastian Willemsen, Anna Billerbeck, Christoph Kiefer, Jenny Winkler, Christiane Bernath, Frank Sensfuß, Lukas Kranzl, Andreas Müller, Peter Kotek, Borbála Tóth