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QUEST Technical Manual on De-risking Green Investments in Building Projects

Pan European

QUEST Technical Manual on De-risking Green Investments in Building Projects

14 March 2022
Editorial Team

The QUEST Technical Manual on "Quality Management: De-Risking Green Investments in Building Projects" is out with a foreword by REHVA President Frank Hovorka! The Manual aims to provide building owners, investors & developers with an easy-to-use guide on how they can achieve a higher technical quality within their building projects through the integration of Quality Management Services. 


Financial investments into building projects don't always deliver on the expected performance results that owners or investors might have, this different between expected pre-defined performance and actal perfromance is called the "building performance gap". This gap is caused by technical issues in the building projects and in turn brings financial risks as they can lower the value of the building units.


The Manual provides an easy explanation on how different Quality Management Services (Technical Monitoring, Building Commissioning, Green Building Certification) can be easily integrated into building projects to ensure the technical quality and mitigate the performance gap.


Read the full news here.


To know more about the project, do not miss the webinar on March 22!



English (5.59 MB - PDF)
Stefan Plesser
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