Everything about Energy topics offered by the European Commission

Everything about Energy topics offered by the European Commission
16 November 2022
This webpage of the European Commission offers all the information available about Energy, focusing particularly on EU policies and publications which aim to deliver secure, sustainable and affordable energy for citizens and businesses.
Editorial Team
The users can find:
- Latest news
- Topics: energy efficiency, renewable energy, market and consumers, energy strategy, oil, gas coal, infastructure, energy security, research and technology, fuding and financing, international cooperation, nuclear energy, energy system integration. All these topics can be discussed in specific publications and studies which are also available from the main menu of the website
- Quick links: REPowerEU, EU energy prices, Energy label and ecodesign, weekly oil bulletin
- Web tools: EU Buildin Stock Observatory, Energy union indicators webtool, Energy scenarios, Energy prices and costs dashboards
- Highlights: this section includes main reports, briefing and articles produced by the Commission about specific relevant topics and main events
- Events: a full list of upcoming events
Browse all about it here.
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