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Ways forward for Collective Energy Actions. How everyone can be part of the energy transition


Ways forward for Collective Energy Actions. How everyone can be part of the energy transition


Since June 2021, the Horizon2020 project DECIDE has been tracking the many directions taken by energy communities, and more generally, collective energy actions, examining them from different and complementary perspectives. From how to engage with citizens to the different legal forms allowed by law in different Member States, to the activities and possible business models that the initiative can adapt to ensure sustainable overtime and decoupled from subsidies, the DECIDE team investigated the drivers and barriers encountered by different actors in their participation in the energy transition.


This conference, which will mix plenary discussions and interactive sessions, is the final event of the project and aims to bring together the wide range of stakeholders who are able and willing to engage in collective energy actions to share their knowledge, exchange on the state of the art and discuss together on possible futures. Based on project results, businesses, public authorities and NGOs are invited to participate in a dialogue that will address the model of business, structure of governance and legal framework.




