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Webinar - The Plug-N-Harvest solution enabling smart energetic renovations for different building cases

Webevent/virtual conference

Webinar - The Plug-N-Harvest solution enabling smart energetic renovations for different building cases

Hosted by BUILD UP, the Plug-N-Harvest project organises a webinar titled "The Plug-N-Harvest solution enabling smart energetic renovations for different building cases". The event will take place the 15th December at 12.00H CET.


The webinar will consist of 3 presentations sections, including material and outcomes from the H2020 Plug-n-Harvest project which has recently ended (November 2022). The expected outcome of this workshop is to share the project experience and outputs, focusing on the pilots’ implementation and deployment, receive feedback on our advances and build platform for future collaborations. The Plug-N-Harvest project ( was funded in 2017 by European Commission under EEB call under 768735 agreement number


The Plug-N-Harvest solution comprises the effective combination of active external building shells made by aluminum and efficient predictive optimal control tools. More specifically, it is consisted by two main parts: Α) an aluminum building facade, which is formed by prefabricated aluminum frames that can encapsulate insulation and PV technologies, and Β) an intelligent ecosystem of IT technologies based on artificial intelligence for making the optimal decisions about the utilization of generating and consuming loads.


The preliminary analysis of the evaluation results, suggest that the Plug-N-Harvest solution requires almost 10 m2 of façade area for 1 kWp of a-Si technology, which is enough to cover 15-20% of the annual energy consumption of a common Greek household, while the AI-based aspects of Plug-N-Harvest solution façade may result an additional 15% consumption reduction. The required CAPEX for the aforementioned technologies was practically reduced to almost 400euros/m2 at the prototyping production stage (expected to reduce significantly more when its production reaches industrial scale).



  • Brief introduction to BUILD UP and to the webinar topic (by BUILD UP) [5 mins]
  • Introduction for the project goals, objectives and solutions (by Iakovos Michailidis, CERTH/ITI, Greece) [10 mins]
  • Circular economy aspects of the Plug-N-Harvest solution (by Mr. Toni Herena, AIGUASOL, Spain) [10 mins]
  • Pilot implementation and preliminary evaluation results in: Saint Quirze, Barcelona, Spain (by Mr. Nil Juvanteny, AHC, Spain) [10 mins]
  • Pilot implementation and preliminary evaluation results in: Grevena, Region of Western Macedonia, Greece (by Mr. Nikolaos Margaritis, CERTH/CPERI) [10 mins]
  • Q&A part, open discussion (by Ms. Zuzana Prochazkova, PiAg) [15 mins]
  • Conclusion (by Iakovos Michailidis, CERTH/ITI, Greece) [5 minutes]