Expert Talk - Davide Sabbadin

Expert Talk - Davide Sabbadin
This month we will be discussing about "Increasing energy efficiency and energy affordability for households" with Davide Sabbadin, Deputy Policy Manager for Climate at European Environmental Bureau.
During the interview, Sabbadin answers questions about the possibilities of heat pumps as a solution for existing multi-apartment buildings, how do heat pumps respond to the need for energy efficiency and energy savings or about the quantity of skilled workers to meet European household demand for heat pump technology.
Davide Sabbadin holds a master's degree in Political Sciences from the University of Padua and he is Deputy Policy Manager for Climate and Energy at EEB, in Brussels, where he tries to bridge the gap between CE policies and Climate policies to decarbonize buildings and in particular the heating & cooling sector. In the past, he has been advocating on behalf of Legambiente in Italy and in Brussels, in the fields of energy efficiency, refrigerant gases and circular economy.