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Renovation of old buildings to minimise the environmental impact

Pan European

Renovation of old buildings to minimise the environmental impact

Editorial Team

This comprehensive guide explains how to make better use of old buildings to minimise their environmental impact and reduce their carbon footprint. The book also presents a tool which helps to avoid mistakes during the renovation and retrofitting process and to indicate the best solutions based on specific factors and building´s conditions.


The guide is the results of a project called "Mitigation of climate change in historic buildings" which was implemented with Croatia Green Building Council.


The book is addressed to a broad audience that wants to know how to:

  • improve the health and wellbeing of old buildings
  • reduce the carbon footprint
  • ventilate well the interior of the building while also avoid high heating costs
  • not jeopardize the historic and aesthetic value of old buildings


Read the book here.


English (24.51 MB - PDF)
Cezary Czemplik (Polish Natural Building Association)
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