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Meet awardees of the New European Bauhaus Prizes

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Webevent/virtual conference

Meet awardees of the New European Bauhaus Prizes

16 April 2024

Details of the conference

NEBULA project

BUILD UP is hosting a webinar organised by the project NEBULA on ‘Meet awardees of the New European Bauhaus Prizes’. The event will deal with the new European Bauhaus, sharing the insights and experience of three representative projects, winner of NEB Prizes: Xifré's Rooftop, ERDEN Pure Walls and De Korenbloem.

The purpose of the webinar is to create awareness in the construction sector about the New European Bauhaus concept, and how it can be implemented towards a sustainable, beautiful, and inclusive built environment.

Xifré’s Rooftop: “Floating” Wild Garden

Award category (2021): Buildings renovated in a spirit of circularity

A heritage building rooftop in Barcelona was renovated with a dual purpose: architecture and ecology. Covering an early 19th-century block of ten buildings, this contemporary roof garden creates a “floating” wild space that enhances urban biodiversity and opportunities for social interaction between neighbours. 
Speaker: Sergio Carratalá, CEO and founder, MataAlta Design Studio


Award category (2021): Techniques, materials and processes for construction and design

The project from Austria uses prefabricated unstabilised rammed earth as a building material that is 100% natural and recyclable. The material is unstabilised because no cement is added to the mixture: this enables the walls, besides their natural, earthy look, to passively regulate indoor temperature and humidity. The raw material is excavated as waste product from local construction sites. ERDEN engages with local craftsmen, carpenters or ceramicists to co-design each solution.
Speaker: Martin Rauch, Founder and Managing Director, Lehm Ton Erde Baukunst GmbH

De Korenbloem housing project with ‘invisible care’

Award category (2022): Prioritising the places and people that need it the most

De Korenbloem is a housing project for vulnerable residents in Belgium. This “care campus” is designed for people with dementia, stroke-related disabilities, and somatic symptom disorder. It combines residential buildings with a network of facilities, such as day-care and a neighbourhood services centre. The project aims to advance adapted, multifunctional and socially integrated care systems that reduce isolation.
Jan Vermeulen, Lead Architect, Studio Jan Vermeulen.

Presentation of BUILD UP, Introduction to webinar topic and agenda
BUILD UP Team member
Introduction of NEBULA project
Clémentine Coujard
NEBULA Coordinator, Dowel Innovation
Presentation of NEB Prizes and NEB Festival
Juan Pérez
Programmes Coordinator, TECNALIA
BEAUTIFUL: Xfiré - Heritage Building Rooftop Renovation Focused on Self-Sufficiency, Social Interaction & Biodiversity (NEB Prizes Winner 2021)
Sergio Carratalá
CEO and founder, MataAlta Design Studio
SUSTAINABLE: ERDEN – PURE - Prefabricated Unstabilised Rammed Earth Elements for a Sustainable and Circular Building Industry (NEB Prizes Winner 2021)
Martin Rauch
Founder and Managing Director, Lehm Ton Erde Baukunst GmbH
INCLUSIVE: Pilot Project Invisible Care – De Korenbloem, Kortrijk (Belgium) (NEB Prizes Winner 2022)
Jan Vermeulen
Lead Architect, Studio Jan Vermeulen
Juan Pérez
Programmes Coordinator, TECNALIA
Thank you from BUILD UP