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The plan for German buildings towards net-zero

Bundestag in Berlin

The plan for German buildings towards net-zero

17 May 2023
When planning the best way to achieve climate-neutral building stock, lawmakers in Berlin have realised that just replacing the heating system is not enough.
Editorial Team

To reach climate neutrality, buildings represents a major roadblock. In fact, deep renovation has become necessary to reach these targets. The European Commission has proposed to renovate the 15%-worst performing buildings first in order to make the most energy savings. However, this proposal has been debated within German politicians who favour a more neutral approach of decarbonising the heating system, that is to say, to ban gas boilers.

Amongst other buildings, the Bundestag is also in the need of a heating renovation with the installation of heat pumps.

Original source

Alice Taylor and Frédéric Simon
Building Renovation
Nearly zero-energy buildings
Energy efficiency technologies and solutions
Heating, Ventilation and Cooling