BUILD UP Skills. The construction sector towards 2030.
Project details and results available here.
The project aimed to provide the necessary update to the work done under the “Pilar I” project of BUILD UP Skills (2011-2013), during which a first analysis of the construction and education sectors was carried out, and a strategy to address workforce and skills shortages by 2020 was designed.
Specifically, the project aimed to revitalise the national qualification platform (gathering key national stakeholders), to update the national status quo analysis (overview of workforce and skills gaps) and to update the national roadmap with measures to 2030.
A new boost for green jobs, growth and sustainability.
Project details and results available at:
Construye 2030+. Towards a training and certification scheme on micro-competences for the green transition of the construction industry.
Project details and results available here.
Setting up national qualification and training scheme for craftsmen in the Czech Republic and developing the further offer of training courses in Slovakia, Austria and Bulgaria.
Project details and results available at:
CRO skills – rebooting the National Platform and Roadmap.
Project details and results available here.
The project aimed to provide the necessary update to the work done under the “Pilar I” project of BUILD UP Skills (2011-2013), during which a first analysis of the construction and education sectors was carried out, and a strategy to address workforce and skills shortages by 2020 was designed.
Specifically, the project aimed to revitalise the national qualification platform (gathering key national stakeholders), to update the national status quo analysis (overview of workforce and skills gaps) and to update the national roadmap with measures to 2030.
Build up Skills (BUS) initiative in CZ and SK - Rebooting the National qualification platforms and Roadmaps towards implementation of nearly Zero Energy Buildings and support for Renovation Wave.
Project details and results available here.
The project aimed to provide the necessary update to the work done under the “Pilar I” project of BUILD UP Skills (2011-2013), during which a first analysis of the construction and education sectors was carried out, and a strategy to address workforce and skills shortages by 2020 was designed.
Specifically, the project aimed to revitalise the national qualification platform (gathering key national stakeholders), to update the national status quo analysis (overview of workforce and skills gaps) and to update the national roadmap with measures to 2030.
Innovative training schemes for retrofitting to nZEB-levels.
Project details and results available at:
HeatCraftHP: A work-place learning path providing core knowledge and skills to heat pump professionals.
Project details and results available here.
Heat pumps skills for NZEB construction.
Project details and results available at: