RECONMATIC Clustering Event: Promoting Circularity in Construction
RECONMATIC Clustering Event: Promoting Circularity in Construction
Details of the conference
In this clustering event, sustainability experts and key stakeholders in construction, IT, automation, business and communication disciplines will be brought together to provide an overview of the European priorities for the Twin Transition in the sector and identify collaboration opportunities between several research initiatives with similar goals.
Namely, the representatives of the projects Beeyonders, CircularB COST Action, Reincarnate, RobetArme, REDOL and Valrec will join their counterparts in the RECONMATIC project, in a discussion panel that will pave the path to independent collaboration workshops on specific research topics.
The aim of this clustering event is to contribute to narrowing the gap between the research community and industry stakeholders who are invited to share their hurdles and experiences in implementing circularity along various construction life cycle stages. Given the high potential social impact of the project on European society, this event is open to the general public.
We aspire that this will be an initial step to take the research for circularity and sustainability in the construction sector to the next level. Join us to find out what the next steps will be!